INDIA, with 1,388,052,928 (138 crore) people is the second most populous country in the world. According to 2022 census, more than 50% of India's current population is below the age of 25 and over 65% below the age of 35. By far, India, also has the largest number of underprivileged (below poverty line) population worldwide (118 crore). From which, children are still the poorest age group. In India more than one in five children are poor (21.8 per cent) compared with around one in seven adults (13.9 per cent). This translates to 25 crore poor children. This significant division between India’s privileged and underprivileged population is leading to social imbalance and slowing down the development of our country.

Until now, technology and innovation have been mainly used for the benefit of the middle class and the rich. Very few technological innovations have been made to serve the underprivileged population. Various social initiatives have failed due to lack of reach, awareness, affordability of services, and flexibility. This can be changed by providing technology-led affordable platforms, creating awareness, and making it affordable to reach maximum population.

SHUBHASHREE FOUNDATION is formed on this same principle. “SHUBHA” means “PROMISING” and “SHREE” means “ONSET”. Shubhashree aims to create the impact by nurturing the underprivileged children, women, and youths of our country to introduce and excel in the world full of opportunities, technology and sustainable livelihood. Also on other hand, we aim to create prospects of investments, fundings and social responsibility for the developed world.


Maximum social impact in sustainable manner


Developing and leveraging educational, entrepreneurial, and technological initiatives for the underprivileged children, women, and youths to improve their livelihood so that they can contribute towards the development of the country.

Our Team

Shekhar Potnis

Founder Director

Deepa Dharmadhikari

Chief Operating Officer

Preeti Potnis


Prashant Bhogate


Madhura Potnis


Neha Kulkarni


Vinay Darp
